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Parking Building :Taichung Park is based in the downtown area of the city. The 16-story high parking building meets drivers’ urgent need.

Parking Building


Gancheng Shopping Mall :The newest shopping mall brings crowds to the park’s neighborhood. An appropriate plan to deal with the crowds is expected.


Teahouses on Shuangshi Rd :After visiting Taichung Park, people can stop by the teahouses to have some tea and a nice talk. Likewise, those who have tea can visit the park to take a walk or row the boat.



Bridal Veil Street Bridal Veil Industry can make good use of Taichung Park as the shooting background. It offers the place and saves the cost for new places. 

The exterior playground of Guang Fu Elementary


The exterior playground of Guang Fu Elementary :Whenever Taichung Park conducts big activities; this playground is usually served as the place. It’s a resourceful and interactive place.



McDonald :McDonald is children’s favorite place. Parents usually take the family to the park first and then stop by McDonald to grab a bite. Young people also can stop here to take rest, have meal, and enjoy the view of the park after visiting Taichung Park.



Style Café Shop :The facilities of boat rowing are perfect for couples and lovers. They can have fun first. When they are tired, they can come to the café shop to enjoy the coffee and the outlook. Another choice of date.


Theater :After watching a movie in the theater, come by the park to relax the tenseness and meanwhile have outdoor activities.


RestaurantIt usually takes a day for most activities in Taichung Park. During the meal hour, if you don’t like fast food or teahouse, you can choose to give the order in the restaurant.  



Zhong Xin Hall Zhong Xin Hall is usually lent to Taichung government or schools to hold activities. Visitors could also participate some events here.



Library :It offers a place for people to borrow books, listen to lecture, reading magazines after visiting the park.


Meteorology Station :Parents can show their kids here to observe the station and grab the opportunity to learn about meteorology.